Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Moving on...

Well...I did get some small amount of good news today. I finally called to make Lucie's appointment at the LSU Vet School. They can't see her until April 21. And, they suggest I keep her calm and still until then. HAHAHAHA!!! That's funny! They don't know my Luc very well. Anyway...the good news is...I was originally told (by two different sources) that this surgery would cost me about $2000. Today, I was told (ballpark figure) that it would be about $1200 - $1500.'s better than $2000!!! :-) Ok...I'm grasping, but my baby needs a new leg!! HA! My apartment manager said we could have a bake sale..."Save Lucie's leg!!" HA!! Ok...I'm amusing myself tonight.

Oh...and Melanie...I did try to wrap her knee. It is definitely a two or three person job. I think it helped for awhile...she is just WAY too active!

Have a great week everyone....I have one last birthday dinner tomorrow night. Then, that is IT! Back to the diet!! :-)


melanie, aka Mo said...

Hey, Jen,
Just thought I would let you know that I added another picture of Staci just for you. OF course, she is going to kill me because it is less than flattering. She looks like she is battling some sort of monsoon! Our family is a bit dramatic, I suppose! Hope your family situation gets better. Melanie, aka MO

Zhohn said...

Glad that Lucie's surgery will be less than expected. And just how can you keep a dog calm and still??? ha ha

Have a Happy Easter.