Monday, September 1, 2008

Four Weeks From Today...

...I'll be starting my honeymoon in a LOVELY place that does NOT have HURRICANES!! :-) Yes...I'm aware we are in the middle of a potentially disastrous hurricane...but, what better way to wait than to update my blog. :-) Plus...we could lose power soon and who knows when it will come back.

So...let me share with you my soon-to-be niece, Angela.

Yes, that is her...Number 35! She lives in Los Angeles and is the ONLY GIRL on an ALL BOYS' team!! Isn't that awesome?! She is a fast little girl! And, just in case you are wondering, no...this is NOT flag football. This is a full on tackle football team. We are very proud of her and wish we could get to see her play. She is such a sweetie too. She and her sister, Victoria, both are such sweet girls. I'm trying to talk David into taking a detour through LA on our way back to get to see her play. So...we'll see.

Ok...I was going to say more...but, our lights just flickered. I better get off now.

Hope everyone is staying safe and survives with LITTLE to NO damage!! STAY SAFE!!!

1 comment:

Addicted to Beadz said...

Jen, Jen, Jen,

I'm assuming you have no power! But, I am a bit worried.

Just checking on you to make sure you are okay!
