Sunday, August 3, 2008

Random Weekend Events...

Well...I think the interview went well on Friday. I don't want to say too much right now...but, we'll just have to wait and see if I am what they are looking for. I also have another interview on Monday.

We've had a fun weekend. David and I rode about 5 miles on our bikes on Saturday morning...around the LSU lakes and back...well, not all the way around the lakes...just the small one and a few small detours and back home. Then, I played golf with him. Just 9 holes. I did OK...not good...but OK. I shot 55 on 9 holes. I think par is like, whatever. It's only the 2nd time to play in my entire life. So...I'm proud of it. The fact that I FINISHED was accomplishment enough. It was HOT out there! In fact, I almost quite after 7 holes...but, I decided I couldn't quit! I'd never hear the end of it. :-) I actually did bring the camera to take pictures....but, I was hot and sweaty and NOT feeling real cute for pictures. MO...if you're reading...I was wearing my Jake Owen Raborn Foundation shirt though!! pics though!
Last night we went to a couple's shower for Kasey and Trey. Their big day is in just TWO WEEKS!! OHH...speaking of big news. My friends Tiffany and Josh had their baby this week. She has kept us in suspense on the sex and name of this child. Ory is officially Jonas Arthur Ory!! I don't suppose I have to say...IT'S A BOY!!

Hmmm....what's next?? David is in Houma playing in a qualifier for some National Amateur game in...Milwaukee?? Or some place like that. Then, next week he will be competing in the City Amateur Tournament. So, his girls and I will be on our own. Hmm...what will we do??? He mentioned they need new, maybe we'll do some shopping!!

School is getting ready to start!! I'd say UGH...but, I've been there all, it really doesn't make any difference to me. In fact, I think I will like being back on a regular schedule. Orientation starts this week...wish us luck that we survive two days of that!!

I don't have any new updated pictures so I'll leave you with a few of Lucie from her visit to the Dog Park a few months ago.

She looks like she was enjoying it other than trying to claw her way up my leg...and it was all fun and games until....

another dog came over to say hello! Do you see the cute dog at the bottom of the picture?? Lucie buried her head between my legs! Silly girl!!

1 comment:

Zhohn said...

Hope your interview went well. I don't like interviews at all, but i'm sure most people don't!
Love the pics of Lucie.