Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Six Weeks From Today...

Seriously, if I say that one more time to David...he just might call off the wedding! :-) Since the weekend I have been saying to him, "Six weeks from today...we will be in Tahoe!" or, "Six weeks from today...we will be getting married!" or, "Six weeks from today..." Well, you get the picture. :-) I think I am making him crazy...between that my "lists"...I think I'm stressing him out. I did, however, convince him to take the weekend off from golf! YEA...score one for ME over GOLF!!

So...the transition is beginning. We are cleaning out David's house...packing up things for a HUGE garage sale or just throwing away. Even the girls have gotten in on the fun. David told them that they could have the money made off of their own things. we are having to keep a close eye on them. We've warned the dogs to steer clear of the little people or else they may find themselves tagged with a pricetag!

Once we have cleared out what is going...we are having a cleaning service come in to do a major cleaning. Bless his heart...he does try...but there is some major cleaning that has been neglected for quite a while. Anyway..."Six weeks from today..." we will be returning from Tahoe and getting ready to MOVE ME IN!

Work is going is just crazy busy and it is not going to settle down until...AFTER CHRISTMAS! And, I am not even kidding! Oh well...I suppose I can handle it!

1 comment:

RADstitches said...

Ok, you sound like my 10 year old... all summer she would say... IF we were in school we would be getting home right now.. IF we were in school we would have been home for an hour and we would be getting homework and having a snack.. IF we were at school we would be eating lunch right now! I would say.. WOULD YOU JUST ENJOY YOUR SUMMER! LOL

Have fun with your counting down!!!