Friday, April 25, 2008

Bare Bum!

Lucie is doing good. She has a lot of swelling today but we just iced her down a little and it is looking a little better. If I can just get her to STOP jumping up and down off the furniture we will be doing good! I HATE doing it, but I guess I'm going to have to lock her in her crate even when I am home. :-( I'm not sure I'm brave enough to do that. I also hurt her last night. She was between my legs in bed and I was trying to move her over. I guess I accidentally touched her incision and she screamed...I screamed...and then I cried!! I spent the next hour apologizing and promising her the biggest toy at the pet store next time I go! :-)

Here are a few pics of her incision and her bare hiney! Seriously...I think someone got a little happy with the razor. I don't think it was really necessary to shave THIS much!! My baby has a bald butt!! :-)

Feeling a little better today. Not great though. Still have a scratchy throat and stopped up ears. (Lack of a better description).

Hope you all have a great weekend!!


Addicted to Beadz said...

I agree! They got a little razor happy! I guess the days of keeping Ms. Lucie calm for awhile have arrived. Good Luck! Just think, it is for her benefit. You only want to do this surgery one time. I'll pray for Lucie to stay calm and for the trying times ahead.


Zhohn said...

Oh, poor baby girl Lucie! I can't imagine having to lock up Misty, she doesn't even have a crate! Good luck. I'll be praying that she stays calm and heals fast. I agree, it does look like they shaved too much.
I didn't know that you went to the Shake last year. Please give me some insight on what to expect. I wish you could make it this year but sometimes we just have too many things to do!
Glad to hear you're feeling a little better. I am starting to feel better, after a shot and eight pills today! Only seven to take tomorrow!
Hope you have a good weekend.

Zhohn said...

I was tagged to post seven random things about myself. Check out my blog if you want to play along.

Have a good weekend.