Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Thanks Cheryl for checking in on me. I know it's been awhile. It actually took being home sick today to find time to update here.

It's been so long that I'm not sure where to start. So, I'll just start with Thanksgiving. David, his girls and I spent Thanskgiving in Navarre Beach, Florida. It was SOO nice.

We had a week of beautiful sunsets...

We stayed in a beautiful house...

With LOTS of beautiful kids... (right to left, Emelie, Angela, Milo, Sarie and Victoria)

And...LOTS of birds!! :-) We all had the bright idea of feeding the birds from our back deck. They were NOT happy when the bread ran out! :-)

I think I may get David to take some pictures of my Christmas decorations to post tomorrow...or one day soon! :-)

What else?? OH yes...we are house shopping! Well, we're not sure if we are actually moving...but, just looking. Trying to decide if we want to move or just remodel the house we are in. Up until today, I had decided to just remodel this house...but, the realtor sent us a house today that I LOVE! It's in our price range...but NOT in the area David wants. He does not even consider this area Baton Rouge! :-) Oh well...we will just keep looking...or I'll just beg a little harder!!

Ok...I must share my latest addiction too. My friend, Amanda, introduced me to Twilight. Yes, I was hooked. I've read all 4 books and seen the movie...3 times. Yes, Amanda and I are addicted!! (Sorry to call you out Amanda...but, I never go down alone!) So, anyway...I have asked Santa for the 4 hardbacks so I can start reading them again. :-) If you haven't read them...I recommend that you do!

I'm going back to sleep now! Hope you all are enjoying the COLD day. I hope to post my Christmas decor soon!!


Addicted to Beadz said...

Well, what do you know, an update.

I've never heard of Twilight. I guess I need to check it out. So, you really haven't been ALL that busy, but busy READING and WATCHING MOVIES/TELEVSION! Just kidding.

Hope you get to feeling better.

I vote, move to a new house. If I get a vote, then David is outvoted.

Take care!

mamaof3girls said...

Call me out all you want! As you can tell on my facebook page, I embarrass myself without any help, thank you very much! Go TEAM EDWARD!!:) You know we will see it again before the holiday is through:)