Sunday, August 24, 2008

Five Weeks From Today...

I just love the rain. Love sleeping and hearing the rain outside...AHH, what a nice morning. :-)

David bought himself a new toy yesterday...a golf cart! Wish I had thought to take pictures...but, for whatever reason I just didn't think. Oh well...there will be plenty other opportunities. Even Lucie got to go for a ride. She LOVED that! She has had a fun weekend with Emelie and Sarie too. She and Emelie have shared popsicles, she and Sarie have played babies (Lucie being the baby wrapped in a blanket)...not sure she appreciated that too much. Overall, it was a nice weekend.

Here's a video of Lucie sharing her popsicle with Emelie:

And, here is a picture of Sarie swaddling her "baby" can see how happy Lucie is:
ONE more week until LSU's first football game! Geaux Tigers!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Six Weeks From Today...

Seriously, if I say that one more time to David...he just might call off the wedding! :-) Since the weekend I have been saying to him, "Six weeks from today...we will be in Tahoe!" or, "Six weeks from today...we will be getting married!" or, "Six weeks from today..." Well, you get the picture. :-) I think I am making him crazy...between that my "lists"...I think I'm stressing him out. I did, however, convince him to take the weekend off from golf! YEA...score one for ME over GOLF!!

So...the transition is beginning. We are cleaning out David's house...packing up things for a HUGE garage sale or just throwing away. Even the girls have gotten in on the fun. David told them that they could have the money made off of their own things. we are having to keep a close eye on them. We've warned the dogs to steer clear of the little people or else they may find themselves tagged with a pricetag!

Once we have cleared out what is going...we are having a cleaning service come in to do a major cleaning. Bless his heart...he does try...but there is some major cleaning that has been neglected for quite a while. Anyway..."Six weeks from today..." we will be returning from Tahoe and getting ready to MOVE ME IN!

Work is going is just crazy busy and it is not going to settle down until...AFTER CHRISTMAS! And, I am not even kidding! Oh well...I suppose I can handle it!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Yes...I am at work. And, Yes, I should be working!! I KNOW...oh well. I need a 8:37 in the morning. :-)

The countdown is getting closer...not sure the exact number of days, but it is just over 6 weeks now until our WEDDING IN TAHOE!! :-) Have I mentioned how happy I am?? case not...I AM SO VERY HAPPY! I am reminded daily what a great guy I have. His daughters and I had a fun day school clothes shopping on Saturday. They go to private school and wear uniforms but can wear any (almost any) bottoms they want. I was surprised at how relaxed they are about this. So, anyway...the three of us spent the entire day shopping while dad played in a golf tournament. (He won 3 of the 4 matches, by the way!) But, still came in 11th place. :-( Oh well...there is always next year.

Hmm...what else?? Oh interviews., I know you all will think I am the most indecisive person alive. But, I really think this process was important. It made me realize that YES, I can go somewhere else and make more money, maybe not do exactly what I want (as far as duties go) and probably would have frustrations there too. (All jobs have them, right?) OR, I can stay here...have FAITH that things will get better (and they have improved), make a little less money...but, do a job I LOVE with co-workers and a boss that I LOVE! So...I searched and have realized that I just need to stay right where I am for now. When and if the time is ever right...God will give me a peace about it. Right feels right to stay right where I am. I did get a second interview with one of the interviews. It was supposed to be yesterday and I called and cancelled. It was a new position that basically had one duty. I just can't imagine that this would have kept me busy? Plus, I would have only been using ONE of the skills I have been working on since college. I just didn't feel this was the right fit for me. SOO...Amanda, you haven't gotten rid of me yet! :-)

Now, I am on to a crafty project. I started this....FIVE years ago. Yes, I'm so ashamed. After my grandmother died, we found her recipe box that was STUFFED with recipes that she had jotted down on scratch pieces paper. I thought it would be nice to have all of these recipes in a recipe book. BUT...I didn't want just the recipes...I wanted them in HER handwriting. Some are hard to read and some have misspellings...but, they were from HER. (I SOO MISS HER!) Anyway, the only type of publication program I had on my home computer at the time was publisher. So, that's what I had to do it in. (As someone who does graphic design type work- no, I'm not really a graphic designer, I just do layout for publications - anyway, I HATE this program.) So...when I got a divorce, I had him put all of my documents on disk for me. Until this weekend, I haven't even been able to OPEN it. I thought maybe because the document is so large? that I have it back open...I am DETERMINED to finish this project for my mom by Christmas. HERE IS WHERE I COULD USE HELP! Does anyone know of a better (preferably FREE) program that is good for publications? Also, does anyone have any thoughts on where I could have this printed? I've been looking around and it looks like it will be around $500 for about 20 copies. If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions...they would be greatly appreciated!!

Ok...going back to work now. Say a little prayer for David. He is flying out New Orleans (in the next 10 minutes) to go visit two of his clients in Minnesota. Pray for a safe and easy trip. OH...(a little selfish) pray that he can change his flight and be home earlier on Saturday for our friends Kasey and Trey's wedding!

Hope you are all having a great week!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Random Weekend Events...

Well...I think the interview went well on Friday. I don't want to say too much right now...but, we'll just have to wait and see if I am what they are looking for. I also have another interview on Monday.

We've had a fun weekend. David and I rode about 5 miles on our bikes on Saturday morning...around the LSU lakes and back...well, not all the way around the lakes...just the small one and a few small detours and back home. Then, I played golf with him. Just 9 holes. I did OK...not good...but OK. I shot 55 on 9 holes. I think par is like, whatever. It's only the 2nd time to play in my entire life. So...I'm proud of it. The fact that I FINISHED was accomplishment enough. It was HOT out there! In fact, I almost quite after 7 holes...but, I decided I couldn't quit! I'd never hear the end of it. :-) I actually did bring the camera to take pictures....but, I was hot and sweaty and NOT feeling real cute for pictures. MO...if you're reading...I was wearing my Jake Owen Raborn Foundation shirt though!! pics though!
Last night we went to a couple's shower for Kasey and Trey. Their big day is in just TWO WEEKS!! OHH...speaking of big news. My friends Tiffany and Josh had their baby this week. She has kept us in suspense on the sex and name of this child. Ory is officially Jonas Arthur Ory!! I don't suppose I have to say...IT'S A BOY!!

Hmmm....what's next?? David is in Houma playing in a qualifier for some National Amateur game in...Milwaukee?? Or some place like that. Then, next week he will be competing in the City Amateur Tournament. So, his girls and I will be on our own. Hmm...what will we do??? He mentioned they need new, maybe we'll do some shopping!!

School is getting ready to start!! I'd say UGH...but, I've been there all, it really doesn't make any difference to me. In fact, I think I will like being back on a regular schedule. Orientation starts this week...wish us luck that we survive two days of that!!

I don't have any new updated pictures so I'll leave you with a few of Lucie from her visit to the Dog Park a few months ago.

She looks like she was enjoying it other than trying to claw her way up my leg...and it was all fun and games until....

another dog came over to say hello! Do you see the cute dog at the bottom of the picture?? Lucie buried her head between my legs! Silly girl!!