Friday, May 9, 2008

Such is life... has been somewhat busy. I just took a part-time job, working nights and weekends at Victoria's Secret! No...not loving it, but it is my punishment for accruing so much debt. I could blame my ex-husband...being as I had ZERO debt when I met him! But, I guess I will have to take responsibility for this one else to blame! I'll give him a! :-)

Anyway...I just started this week and as soon as they get their act together it may be ok. Long story...but they just do not seem to be all that organized. I'm a little concerned too that based on their lack of organization and the fact that they just hired, at least, 5 new people...hmm...I'm sensing problems but I'll stick it out for as long as I need to. You definitely see some interesting things, that's for sure!! Ladies...let me just give you some advice. #1 We can give you a bra fitting OVER your clothes!! Do not surprise the sales people when they come to your dressing room to measure you! That's all I will say about that! And, #2 It is YOUR body! Wear the bra YOU like and are comfortable in. Don't let some MAN tell you what HE likes!! Some men get WAY to involved in the bra shopping process!!

Lucie is healing well. We had a brief moment of panic this week. I came home on Monday and noticed that there were two little bumps/welts on the side of her leg. I panicked...just knowing that this was her pins coming out of place. I just saw another surgery and another part time job in my future! Two days later we finally were able to see the vet and he says it is just scar tissue around the sutures on the inside. SOO...Yea!! No surgery and no THIRD job! He still says to keep her calm and crated for the next month. HA! We just smiled and agreed. We are honestly doing our best. My baby just has WAY too much energy!

Let me leave you with a cutie picture...

We are going to watch the LSU Baseball game tonight! Geaux Tigers!! AND...the school I work for is in the playoffs too. They play tonight and hopefully tomorrow. Geaux Bears!!


Zhohn said...

Thanks for the well wishes, Jen.
Glad you posted, I see now that you've been busy. I hope the pt job works out. I'm sure you see very interesting things working at Victoria's Secret, I can only imagine!
Glad Lucie is doing well. Have fun tonight at the game.

Addicted to Beadz said...

I can only imagine what you see at Victoria's Secret. Probably more than what you want, but probably some good laughs or NOT.

mamaof3girls said...

You make me laugh! I guess I will see you tonight:(I think I will enjoy the dinner, not so much the 4 freaking hours we have to be there!! Just shot me now!

Addicted to Beadz said...

Hey Jen,

I took Mr. Ripley in for his 8 WEEK CHECKUP on his elbow this morning. Can't believe we made it 8weeks. It is healing nicely. The pin is starting to work it's way out which is okay. However, it is a little too soon to take it out because it needs to heal a bit more. Doc. said come back in 2 weeks and check to see about having it taken out. I know my little doggie. I said, let's wait a bit longer. So we go back in 3 1/2 weeks and if there is sufficient healing, he will have the pin taken out then. I'M SO RELIEVED!

Zhohn said...

Hope all is well!

Zhohn said...

It's been over a month since you've blogged! I'm sure you're busy; just wanting to make sure you and Lucie are well!

Hope you are enjoying your summer.

melanie, aka Mo said...

Hey, don't you think you need to give a more current update? Hmmmm? We missed you at the Shake! It rocked. We have already booked that band for next year. June 27th, 2009, I think . Save the date! Melanie